I hope you are all well at the moment. We are in some funny times at the moment with most of us spending much more time at home than we normally would. While this can be nice in some ways it certainly throws up many challenges, from personal to work related - sharing the available space and resources can be difficult. It may be that you are sharing desk space and computers with your partner or children, and using kitchens or living rooms as work spaces. Whether you are lucky enough to have a dedicated study space or are using the dining table for your workstation, the increase in home working can flip a previously comfortable setting to a real pain in the neck. So how can you stay sane and out of discomfort when working at home. 1) Separate work from home time One of the drawbacks of working from home is the lack of distinct start and finish times, and with the added complication of maybe having children to home school. As much as possible try to timetable your day so you know when you you are at work and when you are giving time to your family. You may fine that your work hours spread further through the day but try not to let work infiltrate your precious family time. 2) Workout where to have your work space Depending on the space you have and the equipment you have at home will depend on how you will set your workplace up. If you have the option then a dedicated study or spare bedroom that you can leave set up will be the best option. If not then make sure you give yourself the time to get appropriately set up before you start work 3) Know how to set up your workstation Setting your workplace up correctly. Back and neck pains as well as things such as headache and eye strain can be a result of a poor workstation set up. Think about having your chair supporting your thighs and back, your desk or table supporting your forearms and ensure your monitor, keyboard and mouse are situated so you are not cramped up or over reaching. We can do a video assessment and set up with you if you are not sure or are finding you are experiencing problems. 4) MOVE Possibly the most important of the lot. It is often said in osteopathic circles that the best posture is the next posture. What that means is that any position, held for too long is not great for our well being. Our bodies function relies on movement - from the pumping of lymphatic fluid to stop some swelling to the activation and relaxation of muscle groups to reduce fatigue. A still body is not often a happy one. When working at a computer try to have micro breaks every 5-10 minutes - give your hands and arms a shake out. Mini breaks every 30 minutes - get up and move a round for a minute or two and a 10 minute break at least every 2 hours. And don't forget your eyes - look away from the screen and allow your eyes to focus on a far distant object frequently. If you aren't doing so already give some of these tips a try. If you want some help or advice we are here to help keep you well and on the health journey even when you are safe at home.