Ian Thornley Osteopathy, The Old Smithy, The Quadrangle, Shoreham, Sevenoaks. TN14 7RP
What to expect
If you have never visited an osteopath before than you may be a little apprehensive about what will happen during your appointment.
During the initial consultation your osteopath will have an in-depth discussion with you about your symptoms and injuries and will take a thorough medical history in order to fully understand your individual circumstances.
With your consent, a physical examination will be undertaken to assess your posture and mobility and will include a hands-on assessment to allow the osteopath to get a good understanding of the issues presented. You may be asked to undress to your underwear to enable the examination. If you are uncomfortable undressing please inform the osteopath and feel free to bring loose fitting shorts with you.
Your diagnosis and treatment plan will be discussed with you and the treatment given will be dependant on your individual needs.
Osteopaths work in partnership with their patients to achieve the desired outcomes so in most instances you will be given an exercise to do at home to aid your recovery.
Please be assured that all appointments are strictly confidential. On occasion your osteopath may feel it would be beneficial to discuss your case with, or refer you to, another healthcare provider. However, this would not be done without your full consent.
Have further questions? Give us a call on 07738017206 or book your free 15 minute consultation.