Lock down has been a long and difficult time for us all and I am happy to say that I am now in a position to be able to re-open for face to face appointments where appropriate.
I took the decision at the start of lockdown that it would be unwise, given the many unknowns regarding Covid-19, to stop face to face appointments and I have really enjoyed helping many of you via video telehealth in the intervening period, but as the lockdown measures are starting to ease it also feels like the right time to return, with appropriate measures in place to minimise risk to you, my patients and also myself, and because of that you will notice some changes when you attend your appointment.
So what is changing?
We know that people with Covid-19 are able to transmit the virus prior to the onset of symptoms it is important to acknowledge that anyone you come into contact with may be a possible source of transmission. While we are unable to completely prevent the risk of transmission we are taking several steps to ensure that risk is minimised as far as possible.
1. I will call you prior to your appointment to ascertain your current health, your likely exposure to the coronavirus and your likely vulnerability. I will ask if you have tested positive for Covid-19, if you have been in contact with a confirmed case of Covid-19 in the past 14 days and whether you have any symptoms which may suggest Covid-19 infection. If we decide that a face to face appointment is not appropriate at this time we can arrange a telehealth appointment to give you the support you need.
2. We have increased the sanitation measures within the clinic room. Cleaning and room ventilation will take place between each patient and at the start and end of the day. In addition we will be spacing out appointment times to reduce the number of people in the building at any one time. For this reason I will ask that you arrive for your appointment at the allotted time and wait outside or in your car until I come to get you.
3. In accordance with NHS guidance for healthcare practitioners I will be wearing personal protective equipment. At present this will include a mask, gloves and an apron but may change depending on current recommendations. I would also be grateful if you could wear a face covering whilst being treated - a reusable or home made mask is sufficient for this - I will have some disposable masks available should you forget yours but anything we can do to reduce waste has to be a good thing!
I am confident that these measures will not affect the quality of treatment we can give but will take a little getting used to, not least for me as well, but shouldn't put you off from making an appointment which you need.
Should you have any questions or concerns please do get in touch with me via phone on 07738017206 or email at info@itosteopathy.co.uk and we can discuss the most appropriate way forward for you. Your safety is my top priority.
If you wish to read our full infection control policy it is available here
I look forward to seeing you soon
Ian Thornley Osteopathy.